Join us and shop VAT FREE for safety wear, hand tools, power tools and much more ordered in store.

Alongside our great offers, there will be a range of your favourite brands attending and offering product demonstrations and we'll also have some great prizes to be won and hot food on the day.

VAT Registered? Don’t worry you will still have 16.67% off your total (VAT @ 20% equates to 16.67% discount off total)


Morecambe - Tuesday 8th October

armegbetabeta buckbootzbuckbootz dassy hmthmthmt jasic ​ keypoint klingspor ledlenser makita milwaukee orn regatta rock fall rotabroachsealeystarrett teng tools tygris werner


Kendal - Wednesday 9th October

armegbetabeta buckbootz dassy hmthmthmthmt jasic ​ keypoint klingspor ledlenser leo makitamilwaukee milwaukee orn regatta rock fall rotabroachsealeysealey soudalstarrettteng tools teng tools tygris


Egremont - Thursday 10th October

armegbetabeta buckbootz dassy hmthmthmtkeypoint klingspor ledlenser leo makitamilwaukee milwaukee orn regatta rock fall rotabroachsealeysealey soudalstarrett teng tools tygris


Carlisle - Friday 11th October

armegbetabeta buckbootzbuckbootz ck dassy hmthmthmthmt jasickeypoint klingspor ledlenser leo makitamilwaukee milwaukee orn regatta rock fall rotabroachsealeysealey soudalstarrettteng tools teng tools tygris weldfast werner


Carlisle - Saturday 12th October

armegdassy hmt jasic ​ keypoint ledlenser makita milwaukee orn rotabroachsealey ​ starrettteng tools weldfast werner


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